Going Digital with your Retail Displays

You are seeing them everywhere now.  Once they were just the newest TV and now flat screen digital displays are coming up in retail, corporate, and restaurants everywhere. So what is the big deal? Beyond the cool factor, we’ve got three ways you can use digital displays to enhance your retail presence.

The one that is the most obvious is the use for menus and retail pricing displays.  The problem of having signage reprinted for price changes used to leave you few options. You could have cheap signage created frequently, or DIY signage that lacked a professional feel.  Now with digital displays you can have the flexibility of adjusted pricing along with motion graphics and beautiful product shots right at the point of purchase. And now you can promote specials unique ways using pictures or even video to highlight the awesomeness of your product or brand. And thinking beyond food service, any retail environment from home sales to a doggie boutique can use this tool to enhance the way they deliver pricing information to reinforce the purchase at the counter.

Moving the display from behind the counter, the second area we see these displays bringing value is in window or in-store displays. If you are in a walking shopping district, or have high foot traffic, having a digital display in your store front will not only attract customers, it sends all the right messages to your potential customer in a highly attractive way. In addition, if you combined the display with a control device, you can customize messages based on time of day or day of the week, to do timely messages that reach your customer intelligently.  Some of the great ideas we’ve seen are after-hours images or video that encourages them to come back at a later time with showing your hours of operation.  Or doing live streams of staff working inside, like people putting the final decorations on a delicious cake inside.  The possibilities are endless with your creativity. It can really grow to be as engaging as you’d want it to be, delighting the customer daily.

Lastly, you can use displays to increase the overall customer experience and brand impression selling points. Tobin Lehman of New North, a customer retention agency, gives us this insight on customer experience.

Your digital display can be a powerful way to engage customers in many ways. Beyond the fantastic initial impression, digital displays allow you to communicate multiple messages to your customers in a very attractive visual medium. No one can walk into a room and not notice a TV; and this cannot be said about ordinary signage. Digital displays can build the type of brand connection you desire more effectively and economically. No matter your business you can benefit from digital signage.”

This quote reinforces the idea that you can capture more attention with a digital display than you can with traditional signage.  Your customers will benefit, your brand will benefit and your so will your bottom-line. For more information on these displays, contact us by visiting www.AudioVideoGroup.com, or call (800) 668-4988 today to speak with one of our specialists.

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